28 May

Lots of families want the kids’ grandparents to go to Disney World with them on vacation. Mine included. With fear and trepidation I relented. I’m 70 yrs old and not in the best shape! I know it’s a HUGE place and I worried about how things would turn out. Could I do it? Or, would I pass out in the middle of the heat soaked, crowd riddled parks?

I didn’t really want to go, but I didn’t want to disappoint my daughter and 9 yr old grandson either. So, I discussed it with my 92 yr old Mom! She gave me the best advice ever. She said if you go, you HAVE to get a WHEELCHAIR! WHAT? I would have never even considered that. And, it was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt it would be embarrassing and inappropriate because I am not crippled; I’m just not capable of walking long distances in 90 degree heat.

I thought about it a lot on the 3 day road trip to Florida, still not really considering it as an option. However, the first day that we went to Disney World – Magic Kingdom was the first day – just the walk from the car to the boat that takes you to the park already had me semi-tired.  I knew the park was really big. Could I really walk that far in all the heat? The glaringly clear answer was most likely NO. So, I swallowed my pride and we got the $12 wheelchair and my daughter started to push me around. She’s young and strong and said she could do it, so off we went. (There is an option to get a motorized ride-on. You put $70 on your credit card and you get $20 back when you return it. Actual charge $50) She said she didn’t want me to spend that much. There were lots of hills and it’s hard to navigate the crowds, but she did it. Towards the end of the day my grandson rode in it awhile and I walked. HE was getting really tired, too!

We went to Epcot and Animal Kingdom on other days, also. We did the same thing at each of those places, too. It was the best $36 for the 3 parks that I ever spent. I think it would have been a disaster if I hadn’t listened to my Mom. Don’t forget! Mom is always right!

P.S. My favorite things were the parades in Magic Kingdom, the movie in France at Epcot, and The Lion King Show in Animal Kingdom. All worth seeing! In your rolling chariot, grandparents!

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